David Bitton


De l’architecture au design, David Bitton décline les notions d’espace, de composition et d’assemblage à toutes les échelles. Sa recherche de l’élégance, de la simplicité et de la fonctionnalité le rapproche des grands architectes modernes tels Le Corbusier ou Pierre Chareau. Passionné par l’architecture californienne moderne qui efface la transition entre l’intérieur et l’extérieur, il intègre dans sa démarche la question de nature, comme un élément du quotidien.

Petit à petit David Bitton envisage la création en passant spontanément de l’architecture à l’objet, permettant de concevoir un espace, du plus grand au plus petit élément. Il reprend ainsi une des grandes revendications de l’architecture du XXe siècle : l’art doit être total.

Par ses inspirations comme ses aspirations, la géométrie intervient naturellement dans sa recherche de l’harmonie et de la pureté. Très attentif à la ligne et à la composition, son regard d’architecte et de designer n’est pas loin de celui de l’artiste construit.



Monkeybird, L’Apparat, 2018, pochoir et feuille d’or sur bois et cadre ancien, 103 x 68,5 cm
Capture d’écran 2022-01-24 à 15.50.52

L'Apparat, 2018, Pochoir. et feuille d'or sur bois et cadre ancien, 103 x 68,5 cm

Apôtre II, Pochoir sur assemblage de bois ancien, 178,5 x 71,3 cm





January – Group show Le Mur de l’art, La Galerie par Graf notaires, Paris


January - Private order for Guzzo restaurant, Barcelone, Spain.
January - Solo Exhibition, Ex-Voto, 1to1 Gallery, Luxembour,g Luxembourg.
March - Installation for the exhibition « Boire avec les dieux », La cité du vin, Bordeaux, France.

June - Group show Polyphonissima, Joel Knafo Gallery, Paris, France.
July - Street art Boulogne sur mer, Boulogne/mer, France.
September - Sorry not Sorry project, Ghent, Nerderland.
October - Solo Exhibition Atelier d’Estienne, Pont Scorff, France.
December - Solo Show exhibition, Artéfacts, Cohle Gallery, Paris, France.


February - STROKAR INSIDE, Bruxelles, Belgium.
March - PRIVATE COMMITION, Bordeaux, France.
March - INSTALLATION IN FLUCTUART Museum, Paris, France.
April - URBAN ART BIENNALE, Voelklingen Hutte, Germany.
April - Urban art Fair, Paris, France.
June- MurMurs Festival, Decazeville, France.
July - MIAU FANZARA festival, Fanzara, Spain.
July - LUXOR FACTORY PROJECT, Le Locle, Switzerland.
September - Solo-Show FILIGRANES Exhibition / Installation, CQ, Lille, France.
September - Solo- show CONTRE-JOUR Exhibition / Installation, DIDAM, Bayonne, France.
October - ARTRIUM WALL PROJECT, Moscow, Russia.
November - First Solo-Show in USA, SEDIMENTS in Anno Domini Gallery, San Jose, California.
December - GRENOBLE STREET ART FEST’ , Grenoble, France.
December - Solo Exhibition BETWEEN HERE AND NOW, Pretty Portal Gallery, Dusseldorf, Germany. - December - Solo Exhibition, Sediments, Anno Domini Gallery, San José, California, USA.


February - Participation for the Amsterdam Street art Museum. Amsterdam, nederland
March - Collaboration with Le louvre, for the 50th anniversary of may 1968. Wall painting in Nanterre , paris France. - April - Urban Art Fair, Group show with Artistik Rezo Gallery, Paris - France.
April - Auction selling - Artcurial, Urban Art, Paris - France.
May - Gargar festival, in penelles, catalonia, Spain-
May - Wall painted for a Private order for Baker McKenzie Office in Paris, France
June - Light Installation for Légendes Urbaines, La base sous Marine, Bordeaux, France.
August - Waterford Festival, Mural, waterford, Irlande.
September - Commision Wall in collaboration with Street art Today and Amsterdam street art Museum.
September - Group Show, One, Two...street art!, Musée en Herbe , Lyon - France.
October / Novembre- IPAF Festival, Mural, Acapulco, Mexico
November - Solo Show « Gypsothèque », H Gallery, Paris, France.
December - Solo Show « Encrages » , Artistik Rezo Galerie, Paris , France 


January - Group Show - Cave Gallery - Venice, California USA.
January - Realization of 2 silk scarves, Collaboration with french brand Clovis&Smith. Paris - France. February - Urban Art Biennale 2017, Scenic treatment and exhibition, Volklingen, Germany.
March - »Cox Crew,» Group shox, COX Gallery, Bordeaux - France.
April - Urban Art Fair, Solo Show, H Gallery, Paris - France.
April - Auction selling - Artcurial, Urban Art, Paris - France.
May - Group Show Urban Art Wood, Joel Knafo Gallery, Paris - France.
June - Monumental Wall Painting, KLIVE festival, Sète - France.
June - Engraving print edition, DPJ Studio, Sète - France.
June - Monumental Wall Painting, Street Art Fest 2017, Grenoble - France.
June -Lithography prints, IDEM Studio, co-édition Artistik Rezo & Lézarts Urbains, Paris - France
July - Urban Art Fair - Spring studios, H Gallery, New York City, USA.
July - Group Show, Grand Opening, Avenue des Arts Gallery, Los Angeles, USA.
July - Monumental Wall Painting, Villefranche sur Saône - France.
September - Wood painting setting-up (3m x 2m), Station F, Paris - France.
September - Group Show, One, Two...street art!, Musée en Herbe , Lyon - France.
October - Moniker Art Fair, COX Gallery, London, UK.
October - Solo Show, Palimpsestes, Brugier-Rigail Gallery, Paris - France.
October - 13 Art Fair - Avenue des Arts Gallery, Paris - France
October - Wall Painting M.U.R. d’Oberkampf, Paris - France.
November - ST+ART contemporary art fair, Popartiserie Gallery, Strasbourg - France
November - Group Show «Cut It Out!» UrbanShit Gallery, Hamburg - Germany
December - Group Show «Into the Steal», Popartiserie Gallery, Strasbourg - France


January - Monumental wall painting in collaboration with Said Dokins at San Miguel de Allende - Mexico.
February - ArtUp, contemporary art fair, Adrien Sérien Gallery and Nextstreet Gallery, Lille - France.
March - Indoor wall painting , collaboration with Said Dokins for the event «Wall Exhibition» at Ivry - France
April - 2 monumental wall paintings collaboration with Said Dokins, at Evry - France
April - Solo show at the Urban Art Fair, H Galery, Paris - France
May - Monumental wall painting 12m x 10m Bordeaux - France.
June - Group Show «New Wave», Brugier-Rigail Gallery , Paris - France.
June - Monumental Wall Painting, 32m x 10m for the StreetArtFest, Grenoble - France.
June - 3 monumental tapestry paintings setting up at the Painting Museum of Grenoble - France.
July - Monumental wall painting 8m x 7m for the event Arte Urbana, Loures - Portugal.
August - Book publication «MonkeyBird - Singerie Oisive» Opus Délits collection - Critères éditions
September - Group Show - monumental tapestry paintings setting up, Vaste&Véloce Gallery, Paris - France.
Septembre - Solo Show « Du négatif de la ruine», ArtistikRezo Gallery, Paris - France.
September - Solo Show «Corpus Mémorial».SpaceJunk Art Center, Bayonne - France.
September -Group Show «Grand Opening Paris», 42b Gallery, Paris - France.
October - Group Show «Street Art ... Art Urbain». Brugier Rigail Gallery, Compiègne Theatre - France.
October - «Nuit Blanche de Paris», Scenic treatment at «Mondes Souterrains». with artist Ema Kawanago. Paris - France · October - «Nuit Blanche de Paris», opening of the ART42 museum by Nicolas Laugero Lasserre Paris - France.
October - KIAF art fair, Brugier-Rigail Gallery - Séoul , South Corea.
October - Duo Show «Ligne Urbaine» - with artist Saïd Dokins at COX Gallery, Bordeaux - France.
October - Monumental wall painting with Saïd Dokins, «Correspondances» project, Bordeaux - France.
October - «8ème avenue» Art Fair, Brugier-Rigail Gallery, Paris - France.
November - Group Show «Street Art ... Art Urbain». Château du Val Fleury, Gif-Sur-Yvette - France.
November - Monumental wall painting for the event «SpiritHood», Bayonne - France.
December - Group show «Into The Woods» - La PopArtisserie - Strasbourg - France










SOUS LES ETOILES GALLERY New York - group exhibition - 01.03.2018 - 14.04.2018


LA CONDITION PUBLIQUE Baguette Magique (Installation) Roubaix - 07.17.2017 - 09.07.2017



MAGDA DANYSZ GALLERY PARIS Solo Show - 03.12.2016 - 14.01.2017

PARIS PHOTO 2016 Paris - 10 au 13 novembre 2016


MAGDA DANYSZ GALLERY Londres - 06.01.2016 - 30.02.2016

COLETTE Paris - 04.01.2016 - 30.01.2016



MAISON DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE Lille - 20.02.2015 - 22.03.2015

POP-UP GALLERY Royal Opera Arcade, Covent Garden, Londres - 27.08.2015 - 27.09.2015

HEARTBEAT INSTALLATION Covent Garden, Londres - 27.08.2015 - 27.09.2015


104 Avenue des Champs-Elysées, 75008 Paris